Feng shui influenced space planning principles


Published on:
Jul 2021

Feng shui influenced space planning principles

Feng Shui or study of geomancy is sometimes synonymous with house design or space planning. It has a lot of religious and superstitious connotation attached to it and thus people describe it as whether they believe it, or don't.

There are many school of thought's and also deepness is believe in Feng Shui. From determining where to put your dining table to what color should a specific room be ina specific year. While we're not here to learn any of that, I'd be lying if some basic Feng Shui has not been requested or affected how we do space planning.

We do not, on a deeper level, let it influence our work because:

  • each principle varies between houses and individual, so it is very, very personal.
  • we are not superstitious in this manner.
  • it should not be a prerequisite, unless requested by home owners themselves.

That said, there are still a few basic space planning principles that we adhere to that have Feng Shui influence in them, but for a more practical standpoint than a superstitious one.

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1. Living Room: To not have a full view of the whole living area or view of window/ back door upon entry into the house.

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Feng Shui: Allowing positive energy to flow past the house rather than containing it.

PSQ: Separation of foyer and living area allows a mini nook as you enter your home, blocking the view (from living area) of the mess or smell. This mini separation (which applies to our bedroom designs too) creates a sense of a bigger space.

2. Kitchen: Stove/ hob to not be aligned with or across facing the sink.

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FS: Clashing of fire and water elements may cause disharmony at home.

PSQ: Due to the triangle kitchen principles which is based on efficient movement.

3. Bedroom: Room doors to not face one another.

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FS: Good energy easily flows out and not being contained.

PSQ: Privacy especially in the bedrooms. Usually ensue with other remedies since to change this requires major renovation work.

4. Bedroom: Feet to not face an opening or door when sleeping.

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FS: Considered superstitious as dead bodies traditionally are removed from a bedroom feet first, making you feel restless and dissatisfied at home, and a sense of relaxation will escape you.

PSQ: Privacy and sound/ smell especially when facing bathroom doors.

5. Home office/ Study: To not have your back facing entry door.

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FS: It is not position of power and affects productivity. Back against a wall (or "mountain" as a symbol of stability) is preferred.

PSQ: Practically disrupts your productivity, workflow and privacy as you will have to turn around every time somebody enters the room.

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We are move into a more modern society, but somehow these Feng Shui specialist or professionals seems to be getting more popular, especially consultations for the home, even among non-Chinese clients that we have worked with. That is saying something.


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